See, we went to Eiffel Tower on our first night in Paris. Oh god, it was cold. Very cold indeed. But, hey! It's a pretty awesome view here.
And I wasn't sure where had my senses go cos I actually climbed this Eiffel to 2nd Tier. Senses were put aside, and I could breathe the clean air of Paris [eh?]. Well, I was short of breathe. *winks*
On weekends, took a short day trip to Magny-Le-Hongre by the RATP from central Paris. What's that Magny thing? That's where Disneyland Paris is. And they have awesome rides! *thinking* It was raining all day. So I enjoyed the rides, rides, and... oh! Animagique [Google it! Bahhhh].


fingers crossed company wawa tak cancel nak hantar wa pegi france next year! >_< lawa gila gambar!