Friday, 29 January 2010

.double occasion.

It's been awhile since I last blogged. Well, been busy with studies and also some other stuffs. Plus, I still have another one exam to go, then spring semester commences the next few days. So, blogging today (30/01/2010 Malaysia time) just to wish
my dearest sister, Nadia, happy birthday, and I love you loads!


To Nadia Azmi and Akmal Hazwan

Congratulations on your engagement.

<3, Dira.


  1. wow dira
    thanks a lot
    bukan senang nak ada pic i kt blog u
    take care bebeh
    gud luck again ur exam paper
    sok tgk live k majlisnya insyaallah...

  2. tengkiu babe.
    love u loads toooo.
    nantikan adiah besday utk dikau ye.
